So you finally realized that working out is not as easy as they advertise and you need at least some help with achieving your dream body. Good! Remember, even Micheal Phelps has a coach!
You had tried every machine in the gym for months, you did all kind of cardio and after a few weeks you hit a plateau. And you stayed there. Your motivation dissipated, but if you’re reading this, that means there’s still some fire left in you to take your training to the next level.
And… if you want to get to the next level, you need somebody to show you how. During my 20+ years in sports and fitness I hadn’t yet seen a person who got themselves in a respectable shape by themselves. And I’m not joking…
As my boxing coach said: “Even if you read all the books on boxing and Ali, you won’t fight like him without doing the work in the gym”.
Same with exercising in the gym. There are plenty of resources on the internet on how to train, diet, etc., and a lot of time they are contradicting each other. Let’s not forget that fitness and fat loss industry are huge businesses. Also, many of those writers are more interested in making themselves look “knowledgeable” and acting like they know the “secret” how to get in shape without doing much work, aka “the magic pill”.
Another type of experts that people fall for most of the time are people with tuned-up pics. And in this category women win hands down. Make up, Photoshop, angles, lighting, and you wouldn’t even recognize the person in real life. Men are guilty of that as well, but not as much for obvious reasons.
So the “secret” is as always good coaching and plain old hard work. Michael Phelps, Floyd Mayweather, Ronnie Coleman and other top bodybuilders — they all had coaches. So here is how you find one for yourself:
1. Do research Things to look for: * How many certificates * How many years in the business * How many years as an athlete * Before/after pics with personal testimonials (these days you can buy hundreds of those pics for 10$) * Beware every time you hear the word “natural” (biggest lie in the industry, I have nothing against using gear, but if you train like somebody using it, or use it without knowing how, you’ll get yourself in big trouble) * Achievements You can only learn from winners how to be a winner and I don’t mean hiring Mr. Olympia. It’s about the winning attitude.
2. Chemistry Meet a few trainers that you shortlisted and see if you click. The trainer should push you more than entertain you. Otherwise you are not going to get far. Happy marriages fructify, unhappy ones don’t
3. Don’t haggle over the session rate. Good trainers know their worth and aren’t that expensive if you realize how much time they put in to get all the knowledge. Cheap trainers don’t last long in the business. They might have the talk but you end up being disappointed. You’ll lose money and time without much more than learning a few nonsensical techniques.
4. Once you hire a trainer, be serious about your training. Good trainers care about their reputation which is always hard to earn. It doesn’t matter how many sessions you buy if your poor attitude reflects badly on your trainer. All of us have many clients to support ourselves and pay our bills. That’s how we chose to work, by following our passion. If you’re not ready for some commitments then I’d suggest taking some classes. You won’t get the same results but nobody cares anyways
As always best of luck
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