by | May 11, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments



(Yes I made up the word! I think it sounds pretty cool and make lots of sense when think about it.)

It’s because as a trainer who is passionate about his job I’ve observed over the years why and how people fail at achieving their dream bodies. Most of the reasons are:

  • lack of motivation (duh… )
  • fear of change
  • Peer pressure! (this is big one)
  • Laziness excused as busy-ness
  • And few others that are less of a big deal lol

Well the main reason in my opinion what holds people back even after they make some progress is your “average friends”. That’s right!

Nothing wrong with being average but… your average looking friends are sabotaging you by proxy aka peer pressure. You go out you drink, after the drink you have some junk food, 2000-3000 calories later which a lot of them are empty calories you realize that you f***** up the whole week worth of progress in the gym….

On top of that now you got a taste for high fat /high carb foods found in most fast foods and you’re probably snacking while hang over. But the diet went so well eh…

I’m myself guilty of that. You don’t wanna be home alone on a saturday night eating rice cakes lol. But when you go out sh** happens.

What’s the alternative?

Developing the beast mentality and staying focused on your goals! All you have to do is just following a diet and training regimen for a few months religiously to have a nice summer body (think Brad Pitt in the fight club). And anywhere from 5-10 years to develop a world class physique.

That’s the reality!

And you have to face the truth if you really really really serious about your fitness.

If you’re not then you can stop reading here. I don’t need to tell you why having a lean and strong body with optimized hormonal profile is awesome. Having lots of energy, getting fatigue harder, being sexy, confident and healthy etc etc. Those are the only very few benefits if you seriously didn’t know…

It’s a status symbol these days. Something that can’t be taken away from you and shows that you’ve earned at least one thing in your life with the plain old fashioned hard work.

Also this blog is for people that need to surround themselves with more positivity about their body transformation. Doesn’t matter what stage you are right now as long as you’re a beast and do what’s beasts do, which is getting the sh** done, day after day.

“I regret all the hard work I put in the gym and hate looking sexy”

Said nobody, ever in the entire universe

Tomasz Holubiczko